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Welcome! We are a homeschooling family of 12 living a smallish home, with a Lab named Samson, a Morkie named Cookie, and square foot gardens. Loving the Lord and learning as we go!



Saturday, December 20, 2008

Divinity 101

Divinity pointer # 1:
Make sure you follow a good recipe..and not just some quickly scribbled recipe you jotted down once upon a time..

Divinity pointer # 2:
Don't let your two yr old get ahold of the candy thermometer.

Divinity pointer #3:
After your first failed attempt at divinity-making..you will realize you only have one more chance since you forgot to buy sugar when you stocked up on chocolate chips. And there is a blizzard outside (literally)..so you're not going to the store.

Divinity pointer #4:
Don't leave the room when you're mixing the sugar mixture with the egg whites....and if you even THINK of putting the kids to bed during these few minutes, have your head examined.

Divinity pointer #5:
Just to warn you..the phone will ring while you're pouring boiling hot syrup over your egg whites. Both times.

Divinity pointer #6:
When you start out thinking you will make divinity like your Grandma did, you will end up with fancy marshmallow cream instead.

Now..on to the divinity lesson...

Gather your ingredients

2 egg whites
2/3 cup corn syrup
2/3 c water
3 cups sugar (stock up!)
1 tsp vanilla
CANDY THERMOMETER -Don't try to be a hero..use a candy thermometer. That's what they're for.
Nuts... if you remember them. I did not.
turn off your cell phone.

Separate the egg yolk from the egg whites. Do NOT get any yolk in the white or it will not turn out. Now....first things first. You're going to whip those egg whites in your KitchenAid mixer. If you do not have a KitchenAid mixer, stop now, put away your ingredients..and make fudge instead.

Beat those egg whites till they're stiff.They should look like this:Cook the corn syrup, sugar and water in a pot, WITH CANDY THERMOMETER clipped to the side of the pot till boiling and 260 degree F. Add the vanilla. Once it's reached the 260 point..pour over the egg whites while beating on high. This should only take about 10-15 minutes, tops. If you're still mixing after 30 minutes..you did something wrong. Trust me on this. The divinity should start to lose it's glossy-ness, and start to look crumbly..like this:
It should not look like this... This is why it is important to heat the corn syrup/sugar mixture to 260 degrees. (and to get your eyes checked occasionally if you're having trouble reading tiny print)
Now..what you do from this point on is up to you. You can drop it by spoonfuls onto wax paper, or scoop it out in a small pan, on wax paper..and press it even in the pan (like fudge) and cut into squares. I was feeling adventurous and put M&M's on top of mine..and some chocolate toffee bits. The toffee bits were good! (the M&M's just fall off the divinity when you cut it)


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