About Me

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Welcome! We are a homeschooling family of 12 living a smallish home, with a Lab named Samson, a Morkie named Cookie, and square foot gardens. Loving the Lord and learning as we go!



Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Feb. 28th, 2006

It's the end of Feb. Spring is coming soon..only a couple months away , for MN!!

Only three more days until my ultrasound. Who will be joining our family?? Our fifth little boy? Or our first little girl?? Obadiah James...or Eliahna Ila Shalom? I'm getting nervous..and just praying for a healthy and strong little one. I'm trying not to think about it too much, and just keep busy. Which isn't really hard to do with homeschool work, and the up-keep on the house.
It's 1pm and I actually can sit down for a bit. E is listening to a book on tape "Number the Stars", and N and I are watching Candyland. M is down for his nap.
I TOTALLY caught up on the laundry yesterday. This is a huge milestone that only happens once in a while..LOL! I washed and folded and put away four loads, so if I start another load this evening I should be able to keep it up, for a while anyway. If I just miss one day of laundry, I get so behind. My laundry room is in the basement, on the opposite end of the room, and we live in a two story house, so it's hard to get down there to even start a load and leave the children alone upstairs.

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