About Me

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Welcome! We are a homeschooling family of 12 living a smallish home, with a Lab named Samson, a Morkie named Cookie, and square foot gardens. Loving the Lord and learning as we go!



Thursday, March 02, 2006

Firey chips and pregnancy

I should NOT leave the kitchen when I'm cooking something while pregnant..even for a second! The instant I'm out the doorway, I forget what I was even cooking in there. I was sitting in the living room, and I kept smelling something. I knew I was cooking some ground beef, but that wasn't the smell. I finally went back into the kitchen, and realized there was smoke coming from the oven. I forgot all about the chips and cheese I was melting under the broiler for the kids. It was IN FLAMES, cooking the roof of my oven. E was like 'WHoa MOM! We got a fire!!" LOL! I showed him how to put out a fire with a damp towel by smothering the flames. (does that count toward safety in the kitchen for homeschooling?!? Hands on experience here!)
We don't have a microwave anymore. Ours finally went ka-put. I think it was tired of us constantly slamming our hands on the top of it to make it work. The boys had a good time taking the whole unit apart though. I have yet to replace my microwave either. I'm rather enjoying the old-fashioned way of cooking some things. It's rather exciting, to say the least!!

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