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Welcome! We are a homeschooling family of 12 living a smallish home, with a Lab named Samson, a Morkie named Cookie, and square foot gardens. Loving the Lord and learning as we go!



Thursday, December 09, 2010


I've tried many different schedules in the past 7 years of homeschooling, and I always come back to this type. I bought a copy of MOTH (Managers of their Homes http://www.titus2.com/ecommerce/products/prod_listing.php/1100 ) a few years back at a Mache homeschool conference. I've made two different 'moth' charts..but the little bitty color coded squares of paper were too much for me to keep up with, so I finally resorted to this system.
Everything is done in pencil so I can easily erase. Each hour of the day is written in along the left edge of the paper, skipping a row in between. One column per child, plus mom. Even a column for baby. It's nice to schedule in the times for naps, nursing or pumping and feeding.
It's nice to have everything written on paper so each child knows exactly what's expected of them. No arguing with mom..if it's on the schudule..do it! If it's not working..we can easily tweak it to fit our day. (say..more time for math, or less time for cleaning...yeah right. )
I also wrote out some chore cards for each child last night. I got the idea from a fellow 'momys' Amy at http://www.raisingarrows.net/ I was trying to do a chore schedule, much like the moth chart..but it wasn't working for us. So far, the cards are working great.
Well..according to my schedule..my computer time is UP. On to the next thing!
Thanks for reading.


Stacy said...

Ah the schedule! We live color coded by the google calendar - each kid and parent has a color, as does school for the kids, school for me, and household bills.

Yours is neat and simple! Like you said, any child can look and see what they are to be doing at that moment!

Amy @ Raising Arrows said...

I hope it is going well for you!