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Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Feminine Power..the Lie by L.S.W.

feminine power..the lie

Just read the article (Feminine Power, by Nancy Campbell)...It would make for interesting discussion. Here are a few points which I wish to offer from an "older woman" perspective.
When I was your age...possibly a bit younger, there was a great push in the church for the woman to "submit" to her husband based on biblical passages. This of course benefited the man greatly. He could be anything in the home...within reason of course...and be fully justified. I witnessed many intelligent women overburden by their husband's demand for complete submission. The women would exalt their husbands and their homes seemed to be run in an orderly manner, however this ideology began to hang over these women likeThe Sword Of Damocles. This was the first swing of the pendulum of the disastrous misunderstanding about men and women. In the secular arena the pendulum was swinging in the opposite direction, in essence the same thing was happening in the form of the feminist movement. Under this subtle lie, women were still submitting to being conformed to man's image of her. The "church woman" conformed to man's image by attempting to fulfill the male's idea of Ephesians 5:22. The feminist movement unknown to themselves at the time was also conforming to man's desire through casting off their feminity and thus giving into man's sexual lust. Abortion is only beneficial to the male population. And the "submissive wife" as was touted in the church in the 70's is also only beneficial to man's desire to be his own king. Now, the women who live under such dominion will defend both aspects as pure and good, however the basis for both is equally the same. We must go back to Genesis to understand the dilemma of male and female relationships. It is our "constitution" because it is the beginning of man. We can not stray from the original story or we will insert a plethora of self centered misunderstandings
Adam was created. Adam was alone, there was no such thing as a "female" to Adam. There were however male and female in the animal kingdom...In Genesis 2:15 Adam was put in the garden of Eden and given the command which involved the "tree", yet Eve was not yet "formed" as we know her. She was in the mind of God; however Adam had not seen his need for her until he observed the other animals. We must remember that God created Adam to demonstrate His image. Adam was created to be the "image bearer"...or "exhibitor" of the glory of God. However, first Adam had to learn about God. This was done through introduction and need; the basis for all good instruction. Adam was introduced to the evidence of life through the interactions of the beasts, birds, and livestock. Genesis 2:19-20. He began to understand that he could not produce life by himself, the first evidence that he needed God. After all, Adam was made innocent and intelligent but he was not born omniscient. This had to be introduced and accepted slowly just as we train a child. Adam was as a child. All things God created in Adam and for Adam was to teach and direct him towards the revelation of God Himself. Thus, the gentle leading of the Lord brought Adam to a place where he realized the need of a "help meet"; another to fulfill the life cycle. Now, here is an interesting and oftentimes overlooked point. Eve was not created separately, but '"drawn" from Adam. So, therefore the elements of woman were already contained within Adam. Adam thus began his life containing both female and male elements. God has not left us to suppose this fact, for the male still contains both elements in the case of determining gender of a child. Thus, the verse Genesis 1:27 corroborate this evidence. Adam declared this fact in Genesis 2:23. So, now we have a totally unique creation...Adam is separated in two, which now has the ability to birth "another"; the one becomes two which unites to become one, other words they are one flesh that creates one flesh. Woman was not created from the dust, but pulled from Adam. The two are one...one does not dictate nor own another. It is one more step towards the understanding the Holy Trinity.
The next logical question is, "What elements did God draw from man to make woman?" The elements of feminity are that of a "harbor". The ultimate and most blessed aspect of woman is not for the pleasure of man, but that life is grown within her womb. The Proverbs 31 woman is the utmost example of womanhood. This cannot be achieved by mortal flesh; however it is an indication of the elements drawn from man. The "Proverbs woman" is one who "completes the work" with the diligence, love and submission to her husband and family. This must be viewed from the aspect that all scripture is to direct us to God's original goal, which is a revelation of Himself. How are we to be the "exhibitors" of Christ's glory if we are continually referencing scriptures back to ourselves? We must remember that we are ignorant to the ways of God and therefore must be shown and led through imagery and simple messages which continuously point to Christ who is the All and All.
Another key element of woman's creation is that she was made from Adam's rib. Why not a finger? Or a Toe? Why not some other part of Adam? What is the significance of the rib? One element of the rib is that it protects the heart. So, it stands to reason, that woman was made from Adam’s rib as a symbol of protection of the heart, or the “womb of life”. She was given all the attributes of the heart...gentleness, nurturing, sensitivity, to name just a few. It was once said that murder is only in the heart of woman to protect her own...whereas a man will kill for dominance. This theory proves to be true when we look at what happened after the 'fall'.
The next question that springs to mind is, “Then who is man?” Any harbor needs a fortress or “strength” to be a harbor. It can not exist without a fortress or wall...if the protection is removed the harbor becomes nonexistent. This is the role of the male...to protect and serve the woman as Christ protects and serves the true church.
So, the serpent comes to the woman. He comes to the very heart of man. Why does he not go to Adam? According to the article, Satan knew that if he was to tempt Adam first, that Adam would have stood up for truth and told the serpent to get off! Now, this statement can not be defended for two reasons, (1) because of Adam’s locale during the temptation. Where was Adam? Genesis 3:6 states man was standing right by woman. (2) The foremost element that needs to be understood is that "ADAM" meant both male and female, for the woman did not have a name until after the deception. Then and only then was woman given the name Eve...by Adam and the two became truly separated...a chasm as wide as eternity. Satan introduced a false notion of "godhood" before God could lead Adam to the understanding of His goal, which I state again, is to make a "bearer of God's image" or an exhibitor, worshipper, testimony of God's glory. Satan introduced the lie that he desired for himself, "I will be like the most high". Isaiah 14:14.
It is true that Satan directed his lies to woman. Remember she is the harbor of life. If a person wishes to destroy a well, he does not tear down the wall, but pours poison directly into the water. Satan's poison was half truths and innuendos directed at woman. Woman was deceived, but man acted in full knowledge. Man was standing right beside woman. It is most difficult to understand the unity of man and woman at this point, for we have lived in disharmony since the fall. Man and woman did not act separately for they were not separate but of one flesh. It is only after the fall of mankind that man and woman have been at odds. When seen from this perspective, the deviant behavior of anything less than what God intended in the beginning of "one flesh" is nothing less than sin, for it does not display the True nature of God." Therefore, placing woman as a great influence over man, without the willingness of man as the article claims, "Basically men want to please their wives. They want to make them happy, because that makes them happy" is a distortion, for man can only please himself. The Author of the article begins with the verse Genesis 3:17 RSV, "And to Adam he said, because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree of which I commanded you, 'You shall not eat of it,' cursed is the ground because of you." It is a declaration of man's sin. It was man's ears who "listened". God states to man, "because YOU have listened". He places all responsibility upon Adam for his actions. It was a direct action on man's part to listen, no seduction or deception was allotted to man. It was the woman who was deceived, the man was not. So therefore, no 'basic' nature within the heart of man wishes to please his wife. This is a falsehood which women wish to believe for our "desire is for the man" Genesis 3:16 It is true that man is cowardly since the fall and will do things to please a woman to save or benefit himself. But, his base nature is not to make his wife happy. This notion lays all the blame on woman's doorstep for the destruction of the male, as the original utterance from man to God when asked about his hiddeness. Genesis 3:12.
Before I go further I must draw you back to the original reason for the creation of man, which is to be the "exhibitors" of Christ's glory. Thus, the true essence of the man/woman conflict lies within the spiritual realm. The basic premise of God's plan has not changed, which is the revelation of His nature through man. Thus, in 1 Corinthians 11:3, Paul states, But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God. Satan's main objective is to destroy and distort the object of God's testimony. And into this world God descends into the human form of Jesus. This was the beginning to the true understanding of marriage. Jesus being the very heart of God, His Son becomes the "harbor" through which life is solidified and the Glory of God exalted. God, the Father is the wall and fortress to His delicate Son. Jesus claims "I can do nothing of myself" for He completely relies on the strength of His Father. Through total obedience to His Father unto death He walks. The result is LIFE fueled by divine LOVE. In the very beginning God was leading Adam to this magnificent revelation of Himself through His creation. Satan did not thwart God's plan...he merely altered the path. And the path was made Glorious by the union of the Holy Trinity.
However, as human beings we are still blaming each other for our failings before God. Woman is still trying to gain back what she lost, which was "oneness" with her husband. It is nearly impossible for woman to believe she is not the cause of all. This is where her pride reigns supreme. It is equally impossible for man to believe he has any fault at all...and this is where his pride reigns supreme. Both are complete self centered attributes which fuel the covetness of both. In the fall, females became territorial for they were initially made to be the harbors of life; the original strength became our greatest weakness. "The desire for the man" is a deadly distortion of our divine gift from God. It places woman as the director of the household and the one who declares, "I am a society changer!" as stated in the article. The Lord God declared this would be her fate, when He stated to woman that her "desire" would be for her husband. Genesis 3:16 this word "desire" is the same used for Cain when the Lord cautioned him “sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you” Genesis 4:6. The desire is one of covetness. So the woman's influence, if any, is in the "craving" for a man.
Now, we come to the issue...does a woman have great influence over a man? (1) Yes she does in the essence that one who craves something will do anything to get it. That is the same desire that motivates Satan. (2) No she does not, for she has only as much as the man is willing to give. So, in reality both fallen man and woman are driven by the same desire. Solomon was not influenced by Sheba beyond what he desired. The author of the article states "Even King Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived, turned from the living God to serve idols because of the influence of his wives. We read about this in 1 Kings 11:1-11, "But King Solomon loved many foreign women, as well as the daughter of Pharaoh (gave his heart to them): women from the nations of whom the Lord had said to the children of Israel, 'You shall not intermarry with them, nor they with you. For surely they will turn away your hearts after their gods.' Solomon clung to them in love... For it was so, when Solomon was old that his wives turned his heart after other gods; and his heart was not loyal to the Lord his God, as was the heart of his father David... Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab and for Moloch the abomination of the people of Ammon. And he did likewise for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods. So the Lord became angry with Solomon..." It was Solomon who chose these women; the influence was by his permission. Remember, Bathsheba was his mother and she warned Solomon about the Queen of Sheba. Why was Bathsheba's influence less than Sheba's? It was because of Solomon and his lust...not because of the power of a woman. Jezebel, the most evil woman in the Bible acted on the needs of her father and husband. Her father introduced her to idolatry...her husband was a moody brat and her "desire" for him determined her actions. Both were guilty, however Jezebel was only blamed. Not unlike the garden. Bathsheba is often touted as a seductress because of her midnight bath...however, why was David not with his men? David had full capability of walking away. Women should acknowledge the deviousness of sin and their treacherous nature apart from Christ, however to put women as the greatest influence over man plays into the very lie that woman can own man. Apart from Christ's redemption, women are very territorial and will destroy if given the chance. However, this article places all culpability on the woman's shoulders. And in placing this much power upon a woman’s shoulders requires the woman to be the “head” of the man. It is subtle and hidden under servant status. The article states,”
"As a woman we have power to make great men or little men.
In the same way, we influence our children, and ultimately the whole of society. In most cases, after each new king of Israel or Judah is introduced to us in the Bible, it gives the name of his mother and then immediately states whether her son did "that which was evil in the sight of the Lord" or whether he did "that which was right in the sight of the Lord." The influence of his mother not only determined the future of her son, but the outcome of the whole nation!"
What is lacking in the Christian home is man's submission to Christ. It begins with man and not with woman. The woman is influential only as far as man allows. As a Christian man he is responsible for the home if there is discord. He answers to Christ. The ultimate issue is not whether woman has influence, or that man is shirking his responsibility, rather are both in full submission to our Lord Jesus, for He the Bridegroom to both man and woman; there is no gender in Christ. Our responsibility is to display this new life in our earthly marriage. The influence the article talks about becomes a moot point if we have one goal and that is to be solely owned by Christ; to accept our original and intended creation as "exhibitors" of God's glory. Let us not get sidetracked into "human relations" because they truly do not exist in God's kingdom. When we stand before our Lord Jesus we stand as individuals not as gender. If we are truly belonging to Christ we are commissioned to "Love one another as I have loved you" John 15:17. This eliminates any idea of our influence, for the "influential" hand will be that of the Holy Spirit, not "man". Human relations require boundaries and definitions...whereas in Christ's Life no boundaries need be, for all is swallowed up in Christ's Love.

*********************************************************************************************************************************************************I I have set watchmen upon thy walls, O Jerusalem, which shall never hold their peace day nor night: ye that make mention of the LORD, keep not silence, Isaiah 62:6

http://www.truthforlife.org/listen_daily.php?id=369 Alistair Begg...Very interesting

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